For the most part, winter has past us. The weather is getting better and it’s time to get out and enjoy boating. Driftwood Marina (as I write this) is having our first cruise-in of the year. If you have not been around lately, we have upgraded the guest docking and our visitors certainly appreciate it.
We have also upgraded the website. There is a new waiting list you can sign up on, to get a slip, so please tell your friends about it. We would love them to make Driftwood their new home.
Remember the office is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday and will remain so through May of this year. E-mail is a great way to reach me when I am off (driftwoodmagoo@yahoo.com)
Opening day for our area is the first Saturday in April. Anyone interested in decorating their boat and participating in the parade should contact Driftwood Yacht Club...see the link on our web page. The theme is ‘Building Bridges”.
If you have not put your new registration stickers on your boat, please do so as soon as possible. I have been contacted by the Marine Patrol and advised that they will be here soon, walking the docks and putting reminder slips on your boat, followed by a ticket.